Marine conservation with our ESG initiative
Aug 01, 2023
We’ve installed a Eco-mooring just outside our office in Studland Bay which is a solution to preserve the fragile ecosystem and damage from leisure and tourism.
We were so impressed with the project and wanted to support our local community and work of The Seahorse Foundation. They’ve been working towards this new installation for many years alongside many government bodies and public groups, receiving planning permission earlier this year.
Pasture invest 5% of our profit in sustainable initiatives, funding a buoy for our marine conservation plan.
A team of marine engineers worked from a specialist platform to instal the moorings ready for the summer peak.
This public mooring is available free of charge and will secure boats up to 10 tonnes (which is pretty big). We are so pleased to be part of a new installation project, replacing worn out infrastructure that will last for years to come.
With over 350 boats arriving at the bay each day during peak periods, this avoids the use of anchors which cause terrible damage to the fragile ecosystem. This enables boats to moor up, preserving sea grass meadows and home to native sea horse population.
Sea grass meadows also store carbon which makes this a wonderful win-win-win plan.
#marineconservation #ecomooring #theseahorsetrust #esg #sustainability