Sanitising Aviation Wipes
We were approached to supply sanitising aviation wipes for a major global airline who’s supply chain was in distress.
We began by investigating international archives containing details of aviation certification and became curious towards the standards the industry relies upon to ensure the product we developed would not only meet every single standard but be more effective in use than any product that had gone before. The challenge was on.
We identified 5 different standards that would need to be passed, four for aviation plus one general EN certification and set about working with our lab to create a world leading solution.
We understood the requirement quickly and alongside the chemical development and testing, we secured supply of the specific containers used on the aircraft so that we could begin the process of creating branded labelling accepted by the various authorities.
The development process involved testing in a specialist lab in the USA which was carried out with incredible speed and diligence thanks to our friendly collaborative approach and the helpful lab technicians. (We have since visited the lab to deliver flowers in person)
The product spec we created delivers on every level and is certified for all 5 standards we set out to achieve.
With new supply chain partners secured and due diligence completed, we fulfilled demand on time and to a higher specification than the airline had enjoyed previously.
Having developed the fully certified fluid used to impregnate the wipes, we also have fully certified sanitising sprays and cleaners, adding to our range hand cleansers and fragrances.
For us this was just the start, we began work on developing version 2.0, even more effective, kinder on the environment and of course cost effective.
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